Friday, May 21, 2010

How I Feel By Now about the Business

Sharon and I have been preferred customers for about 5 years now. Roughly a year ago, or has it been longer (?), I said to myself (after being laid off), "This could be a kick, and it might make me a better sharer of Good News." "I don't care what it is, I can just present it for what it is and see who is interested."

My first goal (which I thought would be amazing to reach) was to realize one enrollment my first year. Instead, we became Directors.

I loved the work at first. I developed my own mentality toward it. My philosophy is, enjoy the people, don't worry about whether they enroll or even listen, just enjoy talking to them and make your primary goal to make them glad they talked to you after you walk away. That makes the feeling mutual. Same thing when I give a presentation. Then, some will want to enroll, and some won't, and they don't even need to tell me why.

It brought an easy, relaxed yet strong excitement to me whenever I was working the business.

When I learned more about the business, I realized there was nothing wrong about it. People are being sold a "bill of goods" every day..we buy all kinds of junk at the store and other places that just don't have the value we we were led to believe and conditioned to hook into, growing up. 'Scam' may be too strong a word for these (but not for some), but the marketing ploys, little white lies and products that harm or disappoint (like when they break in the store parking lot as you are walking to your car) are definately below board compared to Melaleuca. Waaaay below. In fact, the more you notice, you see that there is a preciously light handful of businesses out there as ethical and delivering value as Melaleuca.

And I had an absolute blast going to meetings and convention. Thanks to convention in Orlando last year, to which I rode a Greyhound Bus (you can't believe how L O N G that trip), I shared it with a 30-year-old guy who became my traveling buddy. Long story short, he hasn't enrolled yet, but he did hook up with the missionaries at my suggestion, and attended every session of General Conference and was convinced of what it was! But then he became very ill and I have not heard from him and do not know where he is. Anyway....

Then, although I wanted to keep up on it, I was just plain unable after I went to work plowing snow in an effort to get off Unemployment Comp ASAP. The hours were long and it was all I could do. Six months zipped by before I realized I had done hardly any new business. But mentally, I stayed with it. Still, when I tried to get it going again, amidst trying to build another business, I wasn't in the mood so much and still had trouble finding the time to focus. I even started to lose the vision I had before, seeing the whole thing as hmmmm, not as amazing and noble as I had thought? Yet why was it we couldn't dream of losing the products we enjoy?

Today, jaded old vet that I am, it is amazing how I still get the same confidence and enjoyment when I work the business as when it was new. I guess that proves Melaleuca as a company and a business is a good seed.

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