Sunday, April 18, 2010

Yellow Toe Nails & Black Toe Nail Mold

Hope I'm not getting too personal here, but in the last few years, I have had a little problem with that mold that the doctor says can only be killed off by taking an internal medication because the mold comes from inside the body or something like that.

I had tried putting bleach under my toe nails. The doctor laughed at me and said, no that would never work and she was right.

But I did find 2 sure-fire ways to kill the mold quick and dead gone dead. They both work independently, but can be done together. Method 2 is much quicker. They are extremely effective whether the mold is turning your nails yellow or black mold is appearing at the edges near the root of the nail or even on the face of the nail, and eating holes into the nail or not.

1 Go barefoot all the time and in the sun like I did until I was about 30 years old and got a full-time desk job.

2 Put Melaleuca Oil on and under your toe nails.

I also noticed that prevention has a lot also to do with shoes. I had to throw away a pair of New Balance running shoes because wearing them only for a half an hour seemed to bring on the mold. Other shoes, no problem. So I got rid of one or two pair, and reduced the time spent in some of my cheaper shoes.

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